Children’s Grief Centre
“When we launched the new Children’s Grief Centre brand in 2019, CHAS immediately stepped up to help us reach more of the families that need us.”
Hospice Calgary has been providing specialized grief support to children and teens for the past 25 years. However, the organization continuously heard things like, “I had no idea you were here,” or “After suddenly losing my husband, I never would have thought to call a hospice for my kids.” The support for children and teens wasn’t recognized under the banner of Hospice Calgary.
However, last June, Hospice Calgary launched the Children’s Grief Centre. This new brand features an expansion of the centre’s services as well as a clear identity for those looking for support for children or teens following a sudden or expected loss.
CHAS has donated $50,000 from its 2019 Holiday Luncheon to this development of the Children’s Grief Centre. Donations are being allocated towards renovations and technology expansion as well as program materials. For example, the centre now offers text and chat services for youth to give them grief support in ways that work best for them.
“When we launched the new Children’s Grief Centre brand in 2019, CHAS immediately stepped up to help us reach more of the families that need us,” says Melissa Watamanuk, Director, Fund Development at Hospice Calgary. “The CHAS holiday luncheon helped bring much-needed attention to this new name as well as a significant financial contribution, which enabled us to expand and improve our supports for families.”
A counselling room at the Children’s Grief Centre will be named in honour of CHAS.