Hull Services
“At Hull, we value therapeutic space and seek to create environments to promote relationship, healing, and safety. The support of CHAS has enabled us to significantly improve the comfort, safety, and hominess of the furnishings within our campus-based programs, as well as provide sensory equipment to enable young people to regulate their emotions and establish more healthy patterns of behaviour in response to stress.”
For more than 55 years, Hull Services has been supporting the mental health and
behavioral needs of the most vulnerable children, youth, and their families in
Calgary and area. Building on the inspiration, vision, and generosity of their
founder, William Roper Hull, more than 7,000 children and families are helped each
year by one of Hull’s 28 programs and services.
Hull services and programs are innovative and evidence-based. They span
Prevention and Early Intervention, Family-Based and School-Based Services,
Community Group Care, Campus-Based Care and Adult Services.
Hull Services adheres to its trauma-informed model –the Neurosequential Model of
Therapeutics – across all of its programs. This model incorporates knowledge and
understanding of neuroscience and brain development. It allows clinicians and
caregivers to better identify strengths and vulnerabilities of a child who has suffered
developmental trauma and who may be struggling with behavioral, emotional,
developmental and mental health challenges. It enables caregivers to target
developmentally appropriate activities and interventions with the goal of restoring
more typical brain development.
“At Hull, we value therapeutic space and seek to create environments to
promote relationship, healing, and safety. The support of CHAS has enabled
us to significantly improve the comfort, safety, and hominess of the
furnishings within our campus-based programs, as well as provide sensory
equipment to enable young people to regulate their emotions and establish
more healthy patterns of behaviour in response to stress. This generous and
thoughtful contribution supports Hull’s vision of resilient young people and
families thriving within communities that support their mental health and
well-being. A community that cares for its most vulnerable young people in
such tangible ways is a key factor in building resilience and supporting
positive outcomes for everyone.”
Julie Kerr, Executive Director, Hull Services
CHAS named Hull Services the main beneficiary of its November 2020 Fundraiser, a
Virtual Auction. Hull Services received $50,000 to support its therapeutic-based
care program.