Mary Fong & Shannon Fong
“I have been a member of CHAS for 15 years and I enjoy and am proud to work with such dedicated women who not only fundraise but also provide volunteer time for these organizations.”
“Having seen my mom involved for so many years with the group, when the idea of CHAS Next came about, there was no hesitation on my part to become a member. ”
Mary Fong - The welfare of the family has been a focus of my community involvement. I do believe that it takes a village to raise a child. CHAS’ funding of the Children’s Hospital and other community health organizations help them have a meaningful impact on the lives of Calgary’s children and youths.
I have been a member of CHAS for 15 years and I enjoy and am proud to work with such dedicated women who not only fundraise but also provide volunteer time for these organizations. This involvement continues to be an enrichment for me.
I am pleased that my daughter Shannon is a member of CHAS Next, comprised of CHAS daughters who have taken up the mantle for the next generation to continue this work, infusing their projects with creativity, enthusiasm and intent. It augurs well for the future and CHAS.
Shannon Fong - Having seen my mom involved for so many years with the group, when the idea of CHAS Next came about, there was no hesitation on my part to become a member. I love the vision and mission behind CHAS: their dedication to identifying and supporting different projects and agencies within the community so they can make a meaningful difference.
To date, CHAS Next has been able to organize and participate in a variety of different fundraisers. Two of my favourites have been a spin class fitness fundraiser and a wine and paint night. For anyone who knows me, it’s no secret spin and art are two things I have an extreme fondness for. Being able to work with fitness studios and local businesses to hold these fundraisers to bring awareness to CHAS has been a highlight for me.
I’m excited to see what the future holds and how we can continue to share CHAS with a new generation.